A local charity that helps homeless and vulnerable young people across the West Midlands has launched a new activity for children to get involved with which once completed will get each child a Basil Bear (the charity’s mascot) to display in their window.
The charity said: “Bubbles for Basils is very simple: Ask your kids to wash their hands for 20 seconds and every time they do it, put a marble in a jar. Once their jar is full donate any amount of money to us St Basils charity to help support homeless and vulnerable young people and email us to let us know what your donation is for. We’ll then email you back a Basil Bear line drawing for your kids to colour in and display in their window. When we can we’ll also send you a mini Basil Bear soft toy too!”
‘Bubbles for Basils’ is one of a whole raft of new virtual fundraisers the charity is now launching to replace its usual fundraising events, which now can’t go ahead. The charity’s capacity to fundraise has been badly hit at a time when vulnerable and homeless young people are in need of more support than ever.
“Therefore taking part in Bubbles for Basils will not only get your kids to wash their hands but will help the local community and act as a symbol of hope in your neighbourhood too.”
Please take part and share!
Who we are: St Basils works with young people aged 16-25 who are homeless or at risk of homelessness, helping over 5000 young people per year across the West Midlands region with specific services in Birmingham, Coventry, Leamington Spa, Sandwell, Solihull, Walsall, Warwickshire, Worcestershire and the Wyre Forest.
Every year over 1500 young people are housed in our 39 supported accommodation schemes, which for some young people includes their young children as well.
1000 of these are in the Birmingham area.
What we do: We have a range of prevention, accommodation, support, employability and engagement services to help young people regain the stability they need to rebuild their lives, gain skills, confidence and employment and move on. The aim is to help them successfully break the ‘cycle of homelessness’ so that they can go on to experience a bright, fulfilling future and never return to a state where they are at risk of homelessness again.
For details of all of St Basils new virtual fundraising events please seehttps://stbasils.org.uk/help-us/
For any more information please email Head Of Fundraising and Communications Barrie Hodge via barrie.hodge@stbasils.org.uk