Some suggestions to handle stress and anxiety

Modern day life can be full of stress and chaos, just look at the upset and anxiety the pandemic created, then war in Ukraine and the cost of living crisis, and now the Middle East is a pressure cooker waiting to go off.

It is so difficult to switch off sometimes, but that really is a neccessity if you want to keep good mental health.

There are many ways to chill out and remain cool headed during these testing times. Some people choose keep fit. Exercise is an amazing way to keep your body and mind active and helps you to not dwell on issues you cannot solve or change yourself. Running is the most popular and free way to keep fit. There are so many running clubs and groups, and it has the added attraction of competing in half and full marathons around the world. It is a great way to meet new people, make new friends, see different perspectives and just breath in that fresh air whether you run early morning or late in the evening.

Joining a gym is another way to stay focused on your mind and body, with all kinds of classes and group which you can join at your local gym, this is another great way to leave your worries behind for a few hours and have a great lookig physique as a bonus. You can also get a health scan at some gyms which can help keep anxiety low.

Cycling is also a popular pastime to help people keep a healthy body and mind. Cycle routes these days are aplenty, from arduous mountain routes to scenic cross country pathways, again there are plenty of cycling clubs around to join, the cost of a bike can range from £300 up into the thousands but it’s a great hobby to lose yourself in each week.

If all this seems to much like hard work then hiking can be a bit more gentle on the joints and limbs. Walking groups double up as sites where people go to make new friends, perhaps if you have a stressful high power job and struggle to make friends at work, walking groups tend to be informal and allow group members to get into the great outdoors in the safety of others looking for some good conversation and views.

Music is also less taxing on the body but can be a fabulous way to relax in the evening. Learning to play a musical instrument like a guitar or keyboard can open up a whole new world of enjoyment which can both relax you and allow your creative side to shine.

Talking of creativity, art classes are all the rage these days and many companies large and small open their doors to new members who can draw anything from real life to landscapes, but in reality you can buy an easel and the paints, watch a few youtube self help videos and get out into the wide world yourself, a perfect way to calm your thoughts and focus for a while.

Similarly, photography is a good way to see the world through a different lense, whilst it can be quite costly to buy the gear, there are so many photography classes and groups these days, which platforms such as Flickr, Instagram and Facebook allowing you to post your work and get rated quickly, and for those good enough, you can turn the hobby into earning a living.

For mant people however, a night out with friends or family seems the most likely way to de stress and forget your troubles, this, can often go hand in hand with all the above we have already mentioned as part of a social scene. The downfall with this is alcohol is usually involved which can also be a depresant.

One alternative many people are turning to is CBD. CBD can be bought as cbd gummies, cbd oil, cbd capsules and there is a huge range of ways in which CBD can be used, from recipes to vaping, and much more. In general terrms, CBD is used to relax, however there are varying strengths and types so it is always best to educate yourself via sources such as wikipedia or via a website such as before contemplating using CBD products. The law around CBD varies from country to country and state to state when it comes to the U.S.A., some forms can be illegal whilst others can be legal to buy as oils and food supplements from health stores.

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You must be eighteen (18) years of age to purchase CBD products. CBD products are not medicines and can not diagnose, treat or cure diseases. Always consult your own doctor before starting a new dietary program.

However you choose to keep calm always seek professional medical advice if you feel anxiety and stress is affecting your every day life before self help/medication. But never ignore it!