AI Essay Writers vs. Human Writers: Which One Should You Choose in 2024?

With the advancement of technology, AI and ML have taken over the world of writing and content creation. Each new model is more efficient and effective in tackling human questions and offers comprehensive solutions. Whether you are a progressive person looking forward to collaborating with technology, or an old-school person who believes in pure creativity, you cannot downplay the impact of AI on the art and craft of writing.

In this post, we will cover both the benefits and drawbacks of AI essay writers and human professionals to help you pick the right option!

AI Essay Writers Came to the Scene

When it comes to Natural Language Processing and its applications, Artificial Intelligence has progressed with leaps and bounds. Instead of asking users to give queries in programming languages, it can understand the natural language just fine. This resulted in a wider scope and application of these tools. Combined with large and diverse datasets, the latest algorithms, and professional tweaking, you have the ultimate tool for writing.

Advantages of AI Essay Writers

Here are the benefits of using AI essay writers today:

  • There is no question about the efficiency and speed of AI essay writers. The moment you provide all the relevant information regarding your essay, the tool will work in the background and come up with the original piece in seconds.
  • Consistency is another hallmark of AI essay writers, such as as they do not suffer with human limitations. These include writer’s block or emotional hindrances that can prevent professionals from working at their full capacity.
  • AI essay writers are available around the clock and can generate different types of academic pieces on demand. This is ideal for businesses or individuals who need content regardless of the time and location.

Drawbacks of Using AI Essay Writers

Since we have covered some ground on the benefits, it is important to showcase the drawbacks or limitations of AI essay writers.

  • AI-generated content can be bland because it lacks the touch of creativity and spontaneity, making it less engaging.
  • These tools rely on datasets and algorithms to understand the problems they face. That’s why they struggle with advanced or nuanced queries.
  • There is a clear loophole in the systems of AI essay writers that allows users to fabricate information. This is the biggest ethical concern with the usage of AI tools.
  • As we covered earlier, AI tools rely on datasets that may not be updated daily. This could lead to irrelevant information popping up in the text.

The Case for Human Writers

Before AI and other fancy tools, human professionals were the most in-demand and reliable sources to get all kinds of content. From blog posts and social media captions to dissertations and theses, they were relied upon to do the heavy lifting for others. As with AI writers, the composition of human writers includes a solid academic background and years of experience and expertise in writing, editing, and proofreading papers and essays.

Advantages of Hiring Human Writers

The strengths of human writers are too many and too deep to ignore. Let’s take a look at the stand-out ones.

  • They can make the work more engaging by resorting to emotional intelligence and creative depth. This is where AI comes up short because it is not capable of doing so.
  • With a given set of information, human writers can analyze, interpret, and come up with a unique angle to explore. This makes the content more thought-provoking.
  • Human writers are more adaptable and flexible to adjust to the changing needs of the content. AI, on the other hand, requires more fine-tuning to do that.
  • Human writers are more capable of navigating through the sea of ethical and contextual nuances to come up with more responsible content. This is imperative to ensure accuracy and relevance.

Limitations of Human Writers

Here are some of the limitations that are inherent in human writers.

  • No matter how equipped or capable human writers are, they cannot write on the same scale compared to AI essay writers.
  • Being humans, they can incorporate bias and subjectivity to the content, without even knowing. This could clash with the desired tone and voice of the text.
  • Writer’s block is real and professionals can become prey to this. In the cases of time-sensitive deliveries, this poses a serious threat.

The Verdict

In the debate of human professionals vs. AI essay writers, it is best to rely on both sides for the optimal production of content. AI is great at researching and drafting whereas human writers can edit and proofread the content before submitting it for publication or evaluation at school.