Anniversary of The Rep’s Climate Emergency Declaration


In June 2023 Birmingham Rep declared Climate Emergency. Led by Executive Producer Chloe Naldrett, The Rep’s initial declaration was followed by a week of programming that explored and discussed the role the arts play in the climate crisis with artists, organisations, and audiences.

Now, one year on, The Rep proudly reflects on the extraordinary strides it has made to reduce its carbon footprint and promote sustainable choices: in its building, in its productions, and in increased awareness of how to reduce the environmental harm of all its work.  

The Rep is thrilled to announce that its production of Withnail and I,written by Bruce Robinson and directed by outgoing Artistic Director Sean Foley, has easily surpassed the Theatre Green Book‘s Baseline Standard, with 69% of the materials used in the show having had a previous life – an incredible achievement for a production of this magnitude. The Theatre Green Book was created in the face of the climate emergency as a roadmap to create innovative and exciting theatre, while reducing the industry’s impact on the environment. The Theatre Green Book is practical and applicable to the real-life challenges all theatres face in sourcing materials, considering energy use, and thinking about the future life of productions once the final curtain has fallen.

Exceeding the Baseline Standard for the reuse of materials by such a clear margin is an incredible achievement for a production of this scale and it showcases the collective effort of all departments under the expert eye of Production Environmental Manager, Jennifer Taillefer – the first time this role has been included on a Rep production. This accomplishment highlights The Rep Team’s passionate commitment to minimising the environmental impact of creating large-scale work such as Withnail and I. From repurposing Tom Hiddleston‘s dressing gown from The Play What I Wrote for Malcolm Sinclair‘s ‘Uncle Monty’ costume, to crafting a hare prop from scraps found in the workshop, the team’s ingenuity knew no bounds. Notably, the Props and Furniture department achieved 94% of Green Book Standard, with almost every item sourced second-hand. 

Set and Costume Designer Alice Power‘s vision was brought to life by seamlessly blending creativity with environmental responsibility. The production stands as a great example of how the theatre industry can embrace sustainability without compromising artistic integrity. 

Artistic Director Sean Foley expressed his pride, stating: 

“This is one of my greatest achievements as Artistic Director. Making sustainable entertainment is the future of our industry, and I’m thrilled to have been able to pioneer that future at The Rep – it’s a great legacy to have delivered as Artistic Director in the final production of my tenure. Recreating such a well-loved film is a challenge in itself, but doing so to Green Book production standards added an extra layer of complexity. I can’t overstate how delighted I am that we achieved it by a country mile. Thank you to The Rep team, and to our co-producers, for making it happen.”

Suzy Somerville, Director of Production at The Rep, added: 

“I am so incredibly proud of what our team has achieved by getting Withnail and I above and beyond our expectations of achieving Green Book status. We have learned many valuable lessons along the way, which we will take forward to our future productions. Our commitment to The Green Book has enforced change on both a large and small scale; from our suppliers making changes to their practices, to the way we wash our paintbrushes – every decision makes a difference.” 

The dedication to sustainability also extends beyond The Rep’s main stage and into their smaller stages. In the 2023 Christmas production of Little Red Riding Hood, aimed at 3-6 year olds (and their grown-ups!) 74.5% of the materials were reused, and 79% of materials have been ensured a future life, surpassing baseline goals of 50% previous life and 65% future life. There were over 100 umbrellas featured in the production: each one sourced second hand and now rehomed. These achievements are especially important for family shows, as the children of today are the audiences of tomorrow.  

The sustainability drive has also extended beyond the stage, leading to the creation of a building-wide Green Initiative. The introduction of heating bands has reduced the building’s energy usage by 5%, and a strategic investment of £24,000 in LED lighting has resulted in the installation of LEDs throughout almost the entire building. The Rep’s Environmental Working Group meets every six weeks to discuss other ways to improve the organisation’s sustainability. Outcomes of these meetings have included:eco-friendly washing liquids and cleaning products being introduced building-wide; environmental considerations incorporated into employment contracts; and the season brochure printers balancing the equivalent of 3,224kg of CO2 (aiding the World Land Trust in protecting and restoring 616m2 of threatened tropical habitat). Additionally, £20,000 of funding from the Theatres Trust Sustainability Grant has been secured for the installation of destratification fans in The House, further enhancing the building’s eco-friendliness. Since December 2023, The Rep has been a member of Sustainability West Midlands and has joined over 100 organisations in making the West Midlands Net Zero Business Pledge.  

As preparations are underway for the upcoming Young Rep Festival, Love and Rebellion, which has the aim to achieve Intermediate Green Book Standard, the lessons learnt with both Withnail and I and Little Red Riding Hood will be carried forward, furthering The Rep’s commitment to sustainability. The journey over the past year demonstrates that meaningful change is possible through dedication and collaboration. 

For more information on sustainability initiatives and upcoming productions, please visit