With the help of its customers, Jewellery Quarter’s very own Pasta Di Piazza has successfully raised £2000, which will be donated to the Italian Red Cross.
At the end of August, Central Italy was hit by one of the country’s strongest earthquakes in history. With a recorded magnitude of 6.2, the quake claimed nearly 300 lives and left many without shelter.
Following the disaster, businesses across the world provided donations to ensure the region received the support it so desperately needed.
At the beginning of September, 21 year old Pasta Di Piazza pledged to donate £1 for every dish served in the restaurant throughout the month.
The restaurant’s General Manager, Roni Ferro has spoken about why it’s so important for his restaurant to get involved in helping the Italian community at such a devastating time.
The support from our customers has been amazing and I hope that our donation to the Italian Red Cross will continue to help and provide shelter for those whose lives have been so badly affected.
Italy is such a beautiful country, rich with culture and tradition. It’s a terrible thing when a force of nature ruins a place which is so unique, and I hope this won’t be the case for Italy.
Last Sunday a second earthquake hit the region, with huge tremors being felt across the country. Although no reported lives have been lost, over 15,000 civilians have been left homeless.
It is truly devastating when a natural disaster strikes, and after being heavily hit twice in just two months, it’s hard to imagine what the people of Italy are going through. I hope the world continues to support them in every way possible.
For us, the Italian Red Cross was the perfect charity to donate our proceeds to. They provide assistance all across the globe, helping communities suffering from emergencies and disasters.
For more information on Pasta Di Piazza please visit: http://pastadipiazza.com/