Creative Health at Ikon

Ikon presents a programme of exhibitions and events that engage audiences in dialogue about health and wellbeing. Conversations range from infant feeding in public spaces and the medicalisation of maternal bodies to the impact of natural environments on our physical and mental health.

The programme contributes a comprehensive evidence base to inform policy development for Birmingham City Council Public Health, such as a creative health strategy.

Artist-in-residence Sally Butcher presents Visible Bodies, focusing on themes of gender, care and the space of the reproductive and maternal body, through the lens of her practice-based research about experiences of infertility. Butcher works with Ikon’s display of Feeding Chair (2022), a collaborative artwork which acts as a focus for sharing experiences and challenging social attitudes towards feeding and mothering.

Green Spaces (2024) is a showcase of photography by Birmingham-born artist Jaskirt Dhaliwal-Boora and members of the Erdington community who have explored the benefits of nature to our health.

5 JUNE – 7 JULY 2024

12 – 23 JUNE 2024