Date & time of event: Launches 3rd September 2020 | 20:00 – 23:00 (Second event 1st October)
Tickets: £5 via www.evebtbrite.com
Venue: The Actress & Bishop, 36 Ludgate Hill, Birmingham, B3 1EH – 5 minute walk from Snow Hill Station – 10 minute walk from Birmingham City centre
Dirty Bingo is a brand new night hosted by one of Birmingham’s original and best live music venues and bar The Actress & Bishop. Not for the faint hearted, it’s furious, foul mouthed & fabulous! Dirty Bingo is much more than dabbers and blues rinse, using SpeedQuizzing Bingo software you won’t need pens and cards as you’ll mark off your card on your phone using the SpeedQuizzing software. Other surprises on the night will make this a full night of crazy entertainment which will change everything you know and expect from a Bingo night.
Big prizes to be won plus cash prize at the end. Hosted by everyone’s favorite Quiz Show personality Jamie Cartwright, bringing all the life and charisma to your evening. Jamie is renown for his larger than life character and his hilarious hosting! A night is never dull when Jamie Cartwright is involved, the guy is nuts!
Contact: Louise Woodley – info@louisewoodley.com
Website: www.theactressandbishop.co.uk
Follow The Actress & Bishop on social media
Facebook event link: https://www.facebook.com/events/2502517396517590/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Actressandbishop/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/actress.and.bishop/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/theactressbham?lang=en
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