On November 3-4, there was a major event for the gaming community — BlizzCon took place. If you are a World of Warcraft fan (just as we are), then this is the event that you should never miss. During the conference this year, the manufacturer announced the further promotion of retail expansion and some changes to be made to the game. Speaking of the Dragonflight expansion, a new season 3 will be released right after BlizzCon, adding new dungeons to the instance. So, now the raiders will have a new task in the WoW run — to protect the new Amirdrassil tree from Fyrakk, the Blazing, and eight more bosses to compete with. We should admit that this sounds to be fairly challenging, even for seasoned gamers. In order to successfully accomplish this mission, you can always order the Wow Boost service and entrust this challenging task to real raiding pros.
As for the game classics, it was expected that the Cataclysm expansion would be announced. And this ultimately happened. While fans anxiously anticipate Cataclysm’s arrival, we thought it would be a great idea to take a magnificent trip through some of the greatest old dungeons to give a taste of nostalgia to seasoned players and introduce Azeroth to newcomers to WoW. It’s interesting to reflect on the victories and defeats in World of Warcraft. After all, the dungeon design contributed to the game’s large player base. Come along as we discover World of Warcraft Classic’s top five dungeons in 2023.
#5 — The Stockade

The Stockade dungeon is located in the center of Stormwind, the Alliance capital. It is a high-security prison complex that houses some of the most dangerous criminals in the kingdom of Stormwind. The layout of The Stockade is rather simple — with long, straight corridors and jail cells on each side. The dungeon can be completed in under half an hour and is one of the shortest instances in Classic WoW.
The Stockade is an easy instance to navigate, and players can clear it with nearly any class setup. While it isn’t the most physically appealing dungeon, it does an excellent job of actualizing the fantasy of an in-game instance.
#4 — Uldaman
Uldaman is an instance that hasn’t earned the attention it deserves. But we’re here today to change that. Uldaman is a wonderful dungeon with a fantastic challenge for its level requirement. Even getting into the dungeon requires some work, as there are numerous elite mobs to deal with. This can make or break a run, and if you don’t arrive prepared, you might not even make it to the dungeon’s door. Uldaman is based around a dig, and numerous miners are in your way. This is fantastic since it establishes a theme for the dungeon itself.
This dungeon’s lore is extremely intriguing, as it concerns the Ironforge Dwarves. The Shadowforge Dwarves, as well as other monsters in the area, have since driven these Dwarves out. Located in the Badlands, a largely Horde zone, the dungeon offers many unique awards. For example, there are a couple of Horde-exclusive items that can be obtained exclusively in Uldaman. Another thing that makes this dungeon so unique is the chance for players to witness history unfold here.
#3 — Scarlet Monastery
Scarlet Monastery is a dungeon many players will have to walk through several times within a level. One of the main reasons this dungeon is remembered warmly and is still significant today is the loot it drops, including BoEs, rare drops, and class-specific gear. Another feature that distinguishes Scarlet Monastery from other dungeons in Classic World of Warcraft is its very short duration. You’ll be able to complete the instance quite quickly with just a few runs.
The skirmishes between factions that occasionally take place around the dungeon, however, can make it challenging at times. Despite this, Scarlet Monastery remains one of the best dungeons in the game in terms of loot. This instance is notably useful for farming silk, which is greatly required when leveling up the tailor profession.
#2 — The Deadmines
As we approach the release of Cataclysm Classic, it would be appropriate to highlight one of the best dungeons in the expansion — the Deadmines. This is one of the first instances for farming basic level 346 items after obtaining the desired level 85. The dungeon is a series of tunnels and large open rooms, with very little possibility of getting lost on the way. It is filled with members of the Defias Brotherhood, a group of thieves and pirates that banded together after their leader, Edwin VanCleef, was cheated out of payment for their labor in rebuilding Stormwind after the First War.
The Deadmines dungeon fits in perfectly with Westfall’s local traditions. This is another reason why fans dearly remember this incense. It is also one of the first dungeons for most Alliance players. This area is particularly contentious since many chose the Black Armor of Justice, which offers lower-level players an advantage over others. The Deadmines is one of the best old World of Warcraft dungeons, providing a nostalgic trip for those who have been playing for years or a fantastic new experience for novices.
#1 — Blackrock Depths
And now we’ve arrived at Blackrock Depths, a dungeon design masterclass. This instance appeared to be the be-all and end-all of MMO dungeons when it was first released. However, this is only possible with the help of Classic World of Warcraft’s might. We can see that the nostalgia goggles were not the only element that made this dungeon so cool. Simply told, Blackrock Depths is a brilliantly crafted dungeon that outperforms its competitors in many ways.
First of all, it drops unique objects that can only be used within the dungeon. For example, with just a bit of luck, you can obtain ores and enchants in Blackrock Depths. On top of that, the fire-resistance gear required for raiding Molten Core is also available in the instance. So, there is quite a lot that you can get in case of a successful run in Blackrock Depths.
Let’s Wrap up
The dungeons we reviewed in this post are more than just in-game challenges; they are chapters in a saga of nostalgia, tactics, and rewards. From the simplicity of The Stockade to the complexity of Blackrock Depths — the instances have etched their place in the annals of gaming history. Whether you’re a seasoned adventurer or a novice stepping into Azeroth for the first time, these dungeons offer a taste of the game’s enduring charm and legacy.