for-Wards is a large-scale, two-year project which will discover the sounds of Birmingham by working with composers and local communities. These sounds will then be used to create unique pieces of music to represent each district which is made up of 4 wards.
Over the last couple of weeks for-Wards has been running community outreach sessions where our composers have been working alongside locals to discover the sounds of Birmingham. The local communities have been helping to shape the project and raise awareness of the diverse cultures within Birmingham.
To facilitate more sessions and the creation and performance of new pieces of music directly influenced by these sessions we need your support!
We don’t quite have all the funding we need so we’ve been running a pledge campaign, and with just 11 days to go we need to reach our goal of £4,000 or we’ll lose all our pledges to date!
Don’t panic, it’s not too late to support the project! Anyone can support by pledging or sharing our pledge page .
Pledgers can donate anything from as little as £5 or buy some of the amazing items from our pledge store, such as these Birmingham Music Map prints beautifully illustrated by Claire Hartley and curated by Birmingham Music Archive, fantastic for Christmas presents!
“I’m so excited to be running this ambitious citywide project and I still can’t believe it has become a reality! It’s a real privilege to be on the ground working together with community groups in Selly Oak District to write new music about what it means to live in the area. I am especially curious about the ways in which found sounds will be embedded into the piece and especially how we go about composing music about Bournville or Willy-Wonka-ville.” Bobbie-Jane Gardner, Artistic Director & Composer
“Since first discussing the for-Wards project I’ve been thinking about how I will explore a tapestry of emotions through music and found-sounds within the area that I grew up. I would expect there to be expressions of light and shade from my own experiences and other emotions that will colour this project coming directly from the communities that we collaborate with.” Justin K Broadrick, Composer
Web: for-Wards.co.uk
Pledge: pledgemusic.com/projects/for-wards
Facebook: facebook.com/forwardsbrum
Twitter: twitter.com/for_wards
Instagram: Instagram.com/for_Wards
YouTube: for-Wards