Heroes and Villains arrive at the Custard Factory for a weekend of video games and play on the 20th September.
Choose your battleground: Playstation, Xbox, Nintendo, Game Cube, Sega, Atari, Commodore, Spectrum, PC or LAN where will you choose to face your nemesis?
Hundreds of classic and modern games to play.
Sign up for the tournaments, which will you play Retro, Modern – or both? Super Smash Bros, Minecraft, FIFA, Pong, Donkey Konga, Golden Eye, DJ Hero, SF II, RalliSport Challenge 2 and many more.
Highlights will include:
The Heroes and Villains Zone, where Batman, Superman and Mario do battle against the Joker, Lex Luthor, Wario and more. As well as the games to play there will be movie memorabilia.
Know your Transformers? Bumblebee and Barricade will be spotted in and around Birmingham on their way to the Custard Factory where they will be on show from 1:00pm Saturday 20th September. Special Prize for the best Transformer costume!
Video Game Carnival. Play the wonderful creations devised and produced by the VGC Ringmaster Himself! – Laser Pong, Giant Game boys, Fruitcade and the brand new Carnival FPS (First Person Scalextric)!
Ticket Infomation:
Friday Night Launch Party 6:00pm – 11:00pm:
£5.00 Adult
(Please note the Friday is 16+)
Saturday DAY Tickets 10:00am – 5:00pm:
£10.00 Adult
£8.00 Child (5 years – 16 years)
£26.00 Family Day Ticket (2 adults 2 children)
Saturday EVENING Tickets 6:00pm – 11:00pm
£5.00 Adult
(Please note the Saturday Evening is 16+)
Sunday Tickets 11:00am – 5:00pm
£10.00 Adult
£8.00 Child (5 years – 16 years)
£26.00 Family Day Ticket (2 adults 2 children)
Adult Weekend Tickets = £18.00 (DAY Only Tickets Saturday & Sunday)
Child Weekend Tickets = £15.00 (DAY Only Tickets Saturday & Sunday)
Alternatively you can purchase a ‘Golden Ticket’ to gain access to all three days.
Golden Ticket Adult £20.00
(Saturday, Saturday Evening & Sunday)
For info on all events and to purchase tickets visit: http://www.custardfactory.co.uk/whats-on/geek-expo/