It’s no secret that second hand shopping trends have increased dramatically since 2024 – with platforms like Vinted and Ebay sponsoring mainstream television, the shift in attitude to thrifting is massive! But is this enough? Can we do more to help the environment AND experience even more quality and range of preloved clothing at a fraction of the price?
That’s where Worth the Weight vintage kilo sales come in. Based in Sheffield, Worth the Weight was founded in 2018 as a way of fighting fast fashion. Their events showcase quality brands and styles without the environmental impact. The clothing is priced by weight at £20 per kilo at their events, you just fill your bag as much or as little as you want then simply take it to the tills and pay!
But why shop preloved? According to research from Roundup.org, fast fashion is currently the 2nd most polluting industry on the planet, with 2.1 billions tonnes of carbon emissions each year. With as much as 92 million tonnes of clothing ending up in landfills each year. Which begs the question, is there an alternative?
Globally, the sustainable fashion industry is currently worth over $6.5 billion and is expected to grow to $10.1 billion by 2025. And by 2023, rose to a whopping $15 billion.
Unlike Vinted or Ebay, events like Worth The Weight’s, offer a chance for shoppers to try on clothing whilst still being part of the preloved shopping revolution. Their events feature nine tonnes of handpicked vintage and pre-owned stock to have a rummage through, offering a range of styles, eras and sizes.
As an added bonus, heavier items like coats and jackets are capped at £20 per kilo, meaning you’ll never pay more that £20 for 1 item! Perfect for these chillier months.
Chris Davies, Worth The Weight Organiser, said: “The events are at their peak, the demographic is vast. It’s great seeing new customers realise the amount of quality preloved clothing there is out there, that’s always been here, since as far back as the 60s in some cases.”
Worth The Weight will return to The Custard Factory on Saturday 8th February from 11am until 5pm. Entry is £3 for early bird and £2 after.
For more details of future events head to Worth The Weight’s events page kilosale.eventbrite.co.uk/