Since lockdown began, we haven’t stopped looking forward to the time when we’ll be able to enjoy live blues, in the flesh, up close and personal (at least as far as social distancing will allow).
That’s why we’re excited to announce that for the duration of July, we’ll be taking over the bandstand at the splendid Birmingham Botanical Gardens every Sunday afternoon from 2pm. Over the next few weeks you can enjoy some great blues in great surroundings from the following Henry’s favourites:
Sunday 5th: The Whiskey Brothers
Sunday 12th: The 58s Blues Band
Sunday 19th: The Nitecrawlers
Sunday 26th: The Shufflepack
Getting in won’t cost any more than the Garden’s usual £6.75 admission price plus booking fees, though to keep the gardens at a safe capacity, advance booking via their website is essential – July tickets will be released shortly. So pack a picnic, slap on the sun tan and come join us at Birmingham’s best kept secret for some alfresco blues.