All welcome for sections or all of the film showing. £5 suggested entry but pay what you can afford. Come along and help us raise money for our research into (and support for) Latin American socialism – the current world vanguard for humanity’s hopes of building a fairer and worker run society.
We’ll be showing sections of all of these films with breaks in-between for discussion and refreshments.
4pm Maestra: In 1961 the Cuban Revolution aimed to eradicate illiteracy. 250,000 volunteers were sent into the countryside to teach rural communities to read, often in danger of counter-revolutionary violence. This documentary interviews women volunteers and is narrated by novelist Alice Walker.
5pm Cuba, Defending Socialism: Full-length documentary produced by RATB in 2010 explaining the role of socialist Cuba in the world and the modern challenges it faces in its development amidst world capitalist crisis.
6pm Viva Venezuela: The people of Venezuela voted for Chavez, voted to fight for socialism. The Revolutionary Communist Group was on the streets of Caracas throughout the presidential elections. We joined hundreds of thousands as they thronged the city, braving torrential rain or baking sun, to express their support.
The Victoria
More info here: www.facebook.com/events/