Fancy a shot on us? Of espresso that is! Birmingham Cinnafans can now grab themselves a free coffee every Thursday morning, for a limited time only.
Available exclusively at Cinnabon Bullring, the offer is valid every Thursday from 9am – 10am, and includes Cinnabon’s full range of Americanos, Lattes and Cappuccinos, all of which are made with the American Bakery’s signature blend espresso.
And, with no other purchase necessary, there is no excuse not to kickstart your day, the Cinnabon way, and choose from single or double shot espresso, americano, latte, and cappuccino.
For Cinnafans that can’t resist picking up a ‘Bon while in store, then what is better for breakfast than an Ooey-Gooey® Classic Cinnabon, made with a combination of warm dough, legendary Makara cinnamon, and a signature frosting, or how about our Biscoff Bon, generously coated in Biscoff spread and garnished with their signature biscuit, this is the perfect Bon for breakfast, lunch, day or night!