It’s that time of year when we start to reflect back on the year, and what a year it has been!
Much like for a lot of people and organisations, it has been another testing year – but one we’re proud to say we got through and more importantly kept our doors open to support vulnerable young people for found themselves homeless. It wasn’t without challenges, but one of the benefits to being a charity, and working with young people, is our staff are used to thinking on their feet and making things happen, whatever the circumstances.
Some highlights include our first South Worcestershire accommodation project opening in Evesham; collaborating on projects including dental care and anti-racist Birmingham; a new homeless transition service in Birmingham; and producing a commissioned report for the government.
We were really pleased that this year’s Hike for Homelessness and Big Sleepout were both able to happen (almost) as normal. As well as being important for raising funds for our work, we really value being able to meet our supporters and thank them in person, even if it is socially distanced.
That brings us on to another thing: our supporters. We say this a lot, but it’s true, we couldn’t do what we do without you. Thank you to everyone who slept out in the cold December rain, donated through a standing order, hiked the Malvern hills, convinced your company to make us Charity of the Year, dropped some coins in a donation bucket…whatever it is, we can’t say it enough; we really truly appreciate it and you all.
2022 already looks to be another interesting year. We know that whatever comes, we will face it together and continue to work towards making sure no young person faces homelessness.
And so, on behalf of everyone at St Basils, from the board members and staff to our young people, we would like to wish you and your loved ones a very Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year.