What an exciting few months we’ve had – an amazing festival season including a wonderful weekend performing at the fabulous Shrewsbury Folk Festival! Goose bumps after that one. Now preparing for Costa Festival in Portugal!
But, even more excitingly, our third album: GOOD LUCK SHOES is out on the 20.9.24.! It’s already getting lots of radio play and some lovely reviews – see below!
In a nutshell, GOOD LUCK SHOES features ten new songs spotlighting tales of the wary, the hopeful, the loved and the loveable; the wild and the lost, the unhinged and the crossed. The fixed up, the torn down, the hoe-downs, the thrown downs, topped by the musings of a deliriously optimistic psychopath with a death wish. Fancy it?
We would love it if you’d consider ordering a pre-release signed CD at www.thelostnotes.co.uk/shop You’ll get to enjoy the full detail of the album artwork lovingly created by our own Lucy Mills 😊along with a full lyric book. It’s a beaut!
It would also be a huge help if you would click below to line up a FREE pre-release playlist download to your preferred streaming service – only 2 clicks and a MASSIVE help to us:
A few early reviews coming in!
Folking.com: “Brilliant Americana folk music – all the way from Moseley, Birmingham. These tunes bubble to the surface, as their melodies defy Great Lakes water gravity, and sing with a delicate universal acoustic touch.”
FATEA: “A luminous testament to their ever growing quality and confidence in terms of both music and song… the band consistently hit the target dead centre, no note lost or out of place and, to extend the title, they are musically most definitely the Jimmy Choos and Laboutins.”
Albion and Beyond: “excellent Americana-basted, English-glazed third album “Good Luck Shoes” brimming with fine fare in the story telling and musical dexterity departments“
Folk Ace Radio: “If you’re a fan of Track Dogs you’ll love this!”
Anthony John Clarke: “If The Lost Notes aren’t headlining festivals within 2 years, it’s your fault!” 😊
Thank you for all your support and we can’t wait to play the new album to you live sometime soon!
Ben, Oli, Lucy, Max and Steve
Upcoming gigs – visit www.thelostnotes.co.uk/gigs-1
Including, The Red Lion Folk Club, Kings Heath 4.12.24. and The Unicorn Theatre, Abingdon on 5.12.24.