Tips for Moving with Kids and Pets

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Did you know that nearly 66% of American households include a pet? If you’re a part of this statistic and are planning to move houses in Columbia, we understand that you must be feeling stressed. When combined with children, the challenges of moving can multiply.

This guide will help ease that process with practical tips tailored to families in our area.

  1. Start Planning Early for a Smooth Move

The key to a successful move with kids and pets is early preparation. Start planning as soon as you know a move is on the horizon. Create a detailed moving checklist that includes every task, no matter how small. This helps in keeping track of what needs to be done and ensures nothing is overlooked.

Include tasks like notifying your children’s school about the move, arranging for their records to be transferred, and scheduling vet appointments for your pets. Early planning also gives you ample time to sort, donate, or sell items you no longer need, making the packing process more manageable. In Columbia, where outdoor activities are a big part of family life, early planning also allows time to research parks and recreational areas near your new home, ensuring a seamless transition for your family’s lifestyle.

  1. Hire Professional Movers for Family-Friendly Assistance

Hiring professional movers can significantly ease the burden of moving with kids and pets. Professional movers are experienced in handling all aspects of the move, allowing you to focus on your family. Look for local Columbia movers that have experience with family relocations. They can offer valuable services such as packing, loading, and unloading, which can save you time and energy.

Additionally, professional movers often have the proper equipment to safely transport your belongings, reducing the risk of damage. This is particularly important for fragile items that your kids and pets might be attached to. Hiring movers also means you have more time to attend to the emotional needs of your children and pets, making the entire process smoother and less stressful.

  1. Pack an Essentials Bag for Kids and Pets

On moving day, having an essentials bag packed for your kids and pets can make a significant difference. For children, include items like favorite toys, books, snacks, a change of clothes, and any comfort items like blankets or stuffed animals. This helps keep them occupied and comfortable during the move.

For pets, pack essentials like food, water, bowls, leashes, and any medications they might need. Don’t forget to include their favorite toys and bedding to provide a sense of familiarity. Having these items easily accessible reduces stress and ensures that both kids and pets are well taken care of during the transition.

  1. Maintain Consistent Routines During the Transition

Consistency is key when it comes to easing the stress of a move for both kids and pets. As much as possible, try to maintain their daily routines during the transition. Keeping meal times, bedtimes, and playtimes consistent helps provide a sense of normalcy amidst the chaos of moving. This is especially important in the days leading up to and following the move.

For kids, maintaining their usual routines can help reduce anxiety and provide comfort. Continue with their regular activities, whether it’s soccer practice or piano lessons, to give them a sense of stability. For pets, stick to their usual feeding schedules to help them feel secure.

  1. Create a Safe Space on Moving Day

On the day of the move, the hustle and bustle can be overwhelming for kids and pets. Creating a safe, quiet space for them can help keep them calm and out of the way. Set up a room in your home where they can stay while the movers are working. Place their favorite blankets, toys, and other comfort items here so they feel right at home.

For kids, this room can serve as a place to play or relax with a book or movie. For pets, it can be a quiet sanctuary away from the noise and commotion. If you have very young children or particularly anxious pets, consider arranging for a family member or friend to watch them during the move. In Columbia, where community bonds are strong, you may find neighbors or friends willing to help out.

  1. Plan Ahead for Pet Care During the Move

Moving day can be particularly stressful for pets, so it’s important to plan ahead for their care. If your pet is anxious or prone to getting upset during car rides, consider boarding them at a pet daycare facility for the day. This ensures they are safe and cared for while you focus on the move.

If you decide to keep your pet with you, make sure to have a travel plan in place. For dogs, frequent breaks for walks and bathroom needs are essential. For cats and smaller animals, secure carriers and a comfortable travel environment are key.

  1. Set Up Kids’ and Pets’ Spaces First in the New Home

Once you arrive at your new home, prioritize setting up the kids’ and pets’ spaces first. This helps them feel more settled and secure in their new environment. For kids, set up their bedrooms with familiar items like their favorite bedding, toys, and books. This immediate sense of familiarity can help ease their transition and make the new house feel like home.

For pets, create a comfortable space with their bed, toys, and food and water bowls. Having a designated area where they can retreat to can help reduce their stress levels.

  1. Address Emotional Needs and Provide Reassurance

Moving can be an emotional experience for kids and pets alike. It’s important to address their emotional needs and provide reassurance throughout the process. For children, take the time to talk about their feelings and validate their concerns. Let them know it’s okay to feel sad or anxious about leaving their old home and starting anew.

Create positive experiences in the new home by organizing fun activities and exploring the neighborhood together. For pets, pay extra attention to their behavior and provide plenty of affection and reassurance. Keep an eye out for signs of stress or anxiety, such as changes in eating habits or behavior. In Columbia, take advantage of the community events and family-friendly activities to help everyone adjust and feel more at home.


Moving with kids and pets in Columbia can be a challenging yet rewarding experience. By starting your planning early, involving your children in the process, visiting the new neighborhood beforehand, packing essentials, and hiring professional movers, you set the stage for a smoother transition. Maintaining consistent routines, creating safe spaces, planning ahead for pet care, setting up their new spaces first, and addressing their emotional needs are crucial steps to ensure everyone feels comfortable and secure.

Columbia’s vibrant and supportive community provides an ideal backdrop for your family’s new chapter. With careful preparation and a focus on the needs of your kids and pets, you can turn the moving experience into a positive adventure for everyone involved. Embrace the change and look forward to creating new memories in your new home.