Tis the season of love so let’s get wildly wicked with words.
Let’s dance and drink until sunrise. The Night Owl host a loved up Ska anthem night on Friday 15th, where the bouncy dancefloor with be jumping and jiving with Ska, Rock-Steady, Two Tone, Mod and Soul. Get in the mood for dancing and romancing.
The blaring neon lights, the stark black and white lines, the punchy cocktails and fabulous food to boot. Push out all the stops for your date and impress with a dinner straight out of Twin peaks. Expect special twists, curious treats and some 80’s beats. Nocturnal animals, we are.
The love of words and their lyrical invite into the hidden thoughts of masterful souls. Rejoice in spoken word and poetry. The crazy goo d line up of fun affairs and talented folk at The Verve Poetry festival is hosted by The Old Rep but encompassing much of the city.
Why not spread the love all through February and join the #Moseley Loves campaign. A fun line up of pop-up activities and established events offering folks the chance to engage and interact in random acts of kindness, caring for your environment and loving local. See their website (www.moseleyloves.com) for the full and expansive listings, which include the love bomb team walking the Moseley streets sharing treats.
Let’s paint, get creative. The rose villa tavern are hosting a pop up paint evening where you will walk home with a recreation of the romantic Klimt picture, ‘The Kiss’. Get stroking with your chosen beau, friends or alone and enjoy honing your skills in the art department.
What is more February than a gutsy vino tinto and gooey warm cheese, like a fine cuddle from the inside. Hide away from the cold in the cosy, cellar like archway 13 that is Connolly’s wines. Indulge in platters of meats and more, plus fabulous wines and plenty of grape advice from the Connolly crew.
Move over men this is just for the ladies. A sensual Valentine evening in the diary for the year long creative curations happening at Flat 8 Gallery. Art installation meets dining with discussion and debate into the double standards of female pleasure in today’s society. Your £20 donation includes an arrival drink, presentation of the theme and tasting menu prepared by hosts Dr Annalise Weckesser and Kaye Winwood.
For enquiries or to book please email me at kayewinwood@gmail.com
Delighting in the idea of dating? Curious to see what souls are too. Head down to the Botanist on February 12, 8pm for a speed dating event that has a touch of glamour about it. A private area just for you and your potential matches and not a name tag insight. Register at www.speedbirminghamdating.com.
Digbeth dining club goes meat free every Thursday from their launch in Jan 2019. So on February 14th enjoy the lively atmosphere and a date with 8 amazing street food vendors, all rustling up delicious vegetarian fayre.
Article by Rhiannon Simpson of Birmingham Food Tour