As the PaddingtonTM brand celebrates its 65th anniversary, Love Writing Co, which is based in the West Midlands, is thrilled to announce its partnership with The Copyrights Group (a STUDIOCANAL company) to launch a range of stationery and workbooks for children inspired by the Adventures of Paddington TV series.
Love Writing Co launched in September 2019 and aims to support parents and children on their learning journey. Founders Surlender and Mark, both wanted to help their own children who were struggling with their writing, and both had wished they had products like this when they were at school. Now the award-winning company is backed by The British Dyslexia Association and The Good Toy Guide which was founded by child development expert Dr Amanda Gummer.
Love Writing Co’s mission is to inspire every child to love writing and is known for launching innovative writing resources to engage early learners. By using this beloved well-known character, Paddington, Love Writing Co wants to resonate with and encourage children aged two to five years old, to learn through fun.
The Adventures of Paddington, which sees Paddington write to his Aunt Lucy each day, get into regular mishaps and make mistakes, complements the Love Writing Co brand which celebrates that it’s ok to fail and encourages mistakes, as that’s what learning is all about.
The range includes age appropriate, sustainably sourced, ergonomic, tripod grip writing pencils; erasable, coloured tripod grip pencils, both of which are designed for small hands. There is also a sustainably sourced, Handwriting and Alphabet Practice Activity Workbook with 58 pages and reward stickers, which requires minimal supervision from parents. Further products will launch soon, including a Paddington My First Pre-Writing Skills Workbook.
Surlender Pendress, CEO and Co-Founder of Love Writing Co, commented: “We are delighted to be launching our new Paddington collection, as these products will resonate with parents and children alike. With the surge in technology, computers and mobile phones, 50% of under 11s are not meeting literacy guidelines, which is nearly three million children per year. The Early Learning Education sector is growing but lacks innovation, which is why we are on a mission to bring some fun to the sector.
“Learning to write is one of the fundamental building blocks within a child’s development, which are not just physical, as writing requires all the skills of reading, small motor coordination and emotional intelligence, and is the foundation on which children can build their future knowledge, grow confidence and become inspired.
“Paddington is such an iconic character who knows that learning adventures are always better with friends. He is known for having mishaps and making mistakes which aligns with our values and belief. It’s ok to make mistakes when learning, which is also the reason why our coloured pencils are erasable.”
Henry Foulds, Head of New Business at The Copyrights Group, commented: “We are thrilled to be partnering with Love Writing Co, to bring this collection to children and make learning fun with the help of Paddington and his friends.”
The Love Writing Co Paddington range of products are available from Love Writing Co at https://lovewritingco.com/pages/paddington-learntowrite, and Amazon or to discuss Retail/Grocer opportunities contact hello@lovewritingco.com